Sunday, March 16, 2008


Well, it's finished. A year in the making and our charity event was amazing! We had about 200 people buy tickets, 68 auction items sold, and one lucky winner got a week vacation in Belize!

Jesse Spencer did an amazing job as our host for the evening. He really brought the heart of AMPATH home to a few hundred people. He highlighted the holistic approach that AMPATH takes in treating patients, getting them job skills and helping them achieve independence. (for more, go here)

My mom, brother and sister came out for the event. That was a great time. I didn't expect anyone to come out -- I mean, I wasn't graduating, I didn't feel like I had accomplished anythign that warranted people flying out to LA. However, I'm so glad they did! I couldn't have done it without their help -- they really stepped up and made the whole day run very smoothly. The Bro and Sis did a great job with the backdrop -- they made the red carpet really work!

The Residents did a great job, as well! They checked in over 200 people in less than one hour. They answered questions and sold raffle tickets. They managed the silent auction and got the winners their items in a seamless fashion. It was quite impressive.

Overall, we raised $32,000 which goes a long way in Kenya! And, at the end of the night, that's what it was all about. We had people from such varied backgrounds all coming together to help fight HIV/AIDS. It was heartwarming in every sense of the word. Thank you to everyone who made this night so special...Thank you for caring enough to give of your time and money for those less fortunate...Thank you for giving them hope.

To make a donation or read more about the event, please visit our charity website.


Julia Ladewski said...

Yay!! It was awesome!! You did a fabulous job! Everyone LOVED it. Jesse was a great host as well. Can't wait to see you again! Love ya!

Lil Kate said...

Congrats on a wonderful event! I'm so glad that it went so well!