Thursday, December 27, 2007

Happy, Happy, Joy, Joy

Don't tell my mom, but I love Christmas time. I used to give her a hardtime for playing Christmas music everyday from Thanksgiving to New Years' Day. I still find that a big excessive. However, I love Christmas time. The joy, the faith, the forgiveness, the family love...It's amazing.

I had the opportunity to spend Christmas with my whole family -- Brother #1 and wife, Sister and husband and baby!, and Brother #2. Plus, my mom and dad and my own husband. And Toby, the dog. That's a lot of love.

And we all get along at this point in our lives. I won't pretend that it's always been that way, but it's good now. We laughed a LOT, played games, visited, hung out...just enjoyed each others' company.

I don't think I'll be home for Christmas for the next few years, so I'm especially thankful that this one will live on in my mind as one of the best Christmases ever.