Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Working 6 to 8...

Not as catchy as the old Dolly Parton ditty. Oh, well. It's actually 6p to 8a, so it's terribly depressing. It's horrible going home in the morning, only to know you've got to come back -- the same day! It's like time never moves. I hate it. Just one more night, then I'm done!

And by "done," I mean done with my responsibilities as a resident. Yep, tomorrow starts my tenure as Chief Resident. I'll be glad to shed one job and just focus on the other.

Starting this position is extremely overwhelming. I've been getting 3-4 emails a day for the last week, where the old chief is telling all her contacts that they should be contacting me. I don't even know who these people are or why I need them! I suppose I'll figure that out, slowly and painfully.

Let the games begin...

1 comment:

Lil Kate said...

Don't either of you (the old chief and yourself) have time for a little "handing off of the torch" time, where she can show you the ropes? Yikes! Sounds like a lot to take on without a lot of hands on guidence. :( My nerves would be shot.